Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
  • To:
  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
41 PC Cell 19-09-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘ENT Microscope’ for utilization by User unitsESIC Institutions - reg size:(81.17 KB) .
Enclosure size:(357.71 KB) .
2024-09-19 18245/2024
42 PC Cell 19-09-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘High Definition Laparoscopy Surgery System’ for utilization by User unitsESIC Institutions - reg size:(83.54 KB) .
Enclosure size:(693.88 KB) .
2024-09-19 18244/2024
43 Legal 19-09-2024 Reconstitution of Committee Under National Litigation Policy size:(79.05 KB) .
राष्ट्रीय मुकदमा नीति के अंतर्गत समिति का पुनर्गठन size:(86.26 KB) .
2024-09-19 18242/2024
44 Actuarial 17-09-2024 Region-wise No. of Employees, Insured Persons, Insured Women, Contributing Employers and Total Employers as on 31-3-2024. size:(423.76 KB) .
31-3-2024 को क्षेत्रवार कर्मचारियों, बीमित व्यक्तियों, बीमित महिलाओं, अंशदान देने वाले नियोक्ताओं और कुल नियोक्ताओं की संख्या। size:(483.10 KB) .
2024-09-17 18229/2024
45 Med.I 13-09-2024 Implementation of Service Level Benchmarks for Quality Improvement in ESIC Healthcare Facilities-reg. size:(392.37 KB) .
New Hospital NQAS Standards size:(4.08 MB) .
Dispensary NQAS Checklist size:(929.56 KB) .
2024-09-13 18221/2024
46 Med.IV 11-09-2024 Delegation of Power to Sanction the leaves below 90 days in respect of Deans of ESIC Medical Colleges Dental Colleges and Principals of Nursing Colleges-reg size:(95.88 KB) .
2024-09-11 18129/2024
47 E.I 10-09-2024 Office Order No.138 of 2024 size:(86.62 KB) .
2024-09-10 18128/2024
48 General 10-09-2024 Action Plan for Swachhata hi Seva 2024 size:(404.56 KB) .
Guidelines size:(1.28 MB) .
2024-09-10 18127/2024
49 E.I 10-09-2024 Intimation permission under Rule 18 of the CCS Conduct Rules, 1964 in respect of transaction of Immovable, Movable property by Group-A and Group-B Officers on administrative side-regarding . size:(1.47 MB) .
2024-09-10 18119/2024
50 E.VI 10-09-2024 वर्ष 2025 के दौरान भारत सरकार के कार्यालयों में मनाए जाने वाली छुट्टियों के संबंध मे। size:(169.13 KB) .
Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2025- reg size:(1.83 MB) .
Annexure size:(234.85 KB) .
2024-09-10 18096/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-10-07



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