Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
  • To:
  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
21 SST 24-09-2024 Payment of Super Speciality Treatment Secondary Care Treatment of Tie-up Hospital bills after approval of CFA - reg. size:(78.02 KB) .
Payment of Super Speciality Treatment & Secondary Care Treatment of Tie-up Hospital bills after approval of CFA - reg size:(80.83 KB) .
2024-09-24 18290/2024
22 राजभाषा 24-09-2024 राजभाषा नियम, 1976 के नियम 8 4 के अंतर्गत निगम इकाइयों की शाखाओं को विनिर्दिष्ट करने संबंधी आदेश - SRO Vadodara size:(164.43 KB) .
राजभाषा नियम, 1976 के नियम 8 4 के अंतर्गत निगम इकाइयों की शाखाओं को विनिर्दिष्ट करने संबंधी आदेश - RO Vijaywada size:(159.93 KB) .
राजभाषा नियम, 1976 के नियम 8 4 के अंतर्गत निगम इकाइयों की शाखाओं को विनिर्दिष्ट करने संबंधी आदेश - RO Delhi size:(164.27 KB) .
2024-09-24 18289/2024
23 PC Cell 23-09-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy’ ESWL and ‘Video Urodynamic System’ for utilization by User units ESIC Institutions - reg size:(75.55 KB) .
Enclosure 1 size:(617.69 KB) .
Enclosure 2 size:(683.88 KB) .
2024-09-23 18276/2024
24 PMD 23-09-2024 Installation of solar PV Panel on roof top of all the building owned by ESI Corporation across the country regarding. size:(88.00 KB) .
MNRE DO Letter size:(893.74 KB) .
ESIC REIL Solar MOU Renewal size:(4.47 MB) .
Harnessing the Installation of Roof Top Solar PV panel on the left out building owned by ESI Corporation across the country. size:(146.94 KB) .
Installation of Solar PV panel on the Roof Top of all building owned by ESI Corporation across the country -regarding. size:(1.65 MB) .
Harnessing the Installation of Roof Top Solar PV panel on the left out building owned by ESI Corporation across the country. size:(741.64 KB) .
Model Power Purchase Agreement size:(477.70 KB) .
2024-09-23 18275/2024
25 Med.VI 23-09-2024 Office Order No 89 of 2024 size:(173.53 KB) .
2024-09-23 18274/2024
26 E.II 23-09-2024 Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme in r o Personal Assistant cadre - reg. size:(512.20 KB) .
2024-09-23 18273/2024
27 Med.VI 23-09-2024 वर्ष 2024 का कार्यालय आदेश संख्या - 90 size:(178.01 KB) .
2024-09-23 18272/2024
28 MEC 20-09-2024 Relieving of BDS, MBBS -JRs under bond- reg. size:(152.97 KB) .
CAT, Delhi Order size:(505.34 KB) .
High Court Order size:(281.32 KB) .
2024-09-20 18265/2024
29 PC Cell 20-09-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘Heart Lung Machine Cardiopulmonary bypass machine’ for utilization by User units ESIC Institutions - reg size:(75.49 KB) .
Enclosure size:(607.25 KB) .
2024-09-20 18264/2024
30 PC Cell 20-09-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘C-Arm Image Intensifier’, ’High Definition Arthroscopy Surgery System’ and Plasma Sterilizer 25 to 50 Litres and 90 to 120 Litres for utilization by User unitsESIC Institutions - reg size:(77.91 KB) .
Enclosure 1 size:(481.16 KB) .
Enclosure 2 size:(594.28 KB) .
Enclosure 3 size:(572.66 KB) .
Enclosure 4 size:(577.98 KB) .
2024-09-20 18263/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-10-07



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