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Reviewer Form

Kindly join to Reviewer Board of Indian Journal of Medical Sciences and Occupational Health (IJMSOH) (Official Publication of ESIC under Ministry of Labour &Employment). Please fill the consent form and send the Form (scan copy) along with your CV to email Id: deanesic-kkn.tn@esic.nic.in with your consent, your name will be added in the Editorial Boardof this journal on website, print & online version of this Journal.










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Area of Interest


Publication Details- Citations ( Add separate sheet, if needed)


Year of Editing / Review Experience


Correspondence Address


Email Id


Contact Details


Experience of the Editor/Reviewer/ Advisory Board, if any.


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I, ………………………………………...................................... do hereby give my consent for Indian Journal of Medical Sciences and Occupational Health (IJMSOH) to include me as a member of Editorial Board & Reviewer Board.


Date: …………………….                                                                                                               Signature with seal


If you want to download the form in PDF format, click here

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-05-24



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