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Editorial Board


Sh. Ashok Kumar Singh, IAS
Director General, ESIC Headquarters
(Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India)


Dr. Deepika Govil
Medical Commissioner, (Medical Education)
ESIC Headquarters Office

Dr. B.K. Biswas, Dean
ESIC Medical College Hospital,
Bihta, Patna.

  Dr. Chavan Kalidas Dattatra, Dean    

ESIC Medical College & Hospital, 
   K.K Nagar, Chennai.

Dr. M. Ganesh, Dean

       ESIC Hospital & PGIMSR, Basaidarapur, New Delhi

                                Dr. Madhuri Shreesh Kate, Dean                                      

ESIC Medical College & Hospital, 

Hyderabad, Telangana.

Dr. Asim Das, Dean,

ESIC Medical College and Hospital, Faridabad, Haryana

Dr.Sanjay Keshar, Dean, 

ESI-PGIMSR, Medical College & Hospital and ODC(EZ) Joka, Kolkata.

Dr. Sandhya R, Dean, 

ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR and Model Hospital, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore

Dr. Prashant B. Patil, Dean, 
ESIC Dental College,
Gulbarga, Karnataka

Dr. Santosh Vyankatesh Kshirsagar, Dean, 
ESIC Medical College
Gulbarga, Karnataka.

Dr. Nagraj M, Dean, 
ESIC Dental College and Hospital,
Rohini, New Delhi.

Dr. Nandakishore  Alva, Dean
ESIC Medical College 


       Dr. Bharti. M, Principal 

ESIC College of Nursing, Bangalore      



Dr. Kalidas Chavan Dattatraya 

ESIC Medical College & Hospital, K.K Nagar, Chennai
Editorial Board

Dr. Shirishkumar G. Chavan, 

Medical Superintendent, ESIC Super Speciality Hospital, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana-500038
Dean, ESIC Medical College, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana-500038

Dr Sonia Gon

Department of Pathology
ESI-PGIMSR, ESIC Medical College and ESIC Hospital & ODC (EZ), Joka Kolkata-700104

Dr. Niveditha

Director, Professor & Head,
Department of Pharmacology
ESIC Medical College & Hospital, MIA, DESULA, Alwar, Rajasthan-301030

Dr Anil N S

Department of Community Medicine
ESIC Medical College Kalaburagi -585106

Dr. Anil Kumar Pandey, Dean,

ESIC Medical College & Hospital, Faridabad- 121001

Dr Pradeep S.Anand

Director Professor and Head,
Department of Dentistry,
ESIC Medical College, Sanathnagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana – 500038


Dr. Rajesh Chetiwal


Professor and Head of the Department of Medicine 
ESI PGIMSR Basaidarapur, New Delhi - 110015

Dr. Nagaraj M


Dean, ESIC Dental College,
Sector-15, Rohini
Delhi- 110089.

Dr. Pandurang M. Narhare


Professor & HOD 
Dept. of Physiology 
ESIC Medical College & Hospital,  Bihta,  Patna-801103 (Bihar)

Dr R.Priavadhana


Assistant Professor, Department: Pathology
ESIC Medical College & Hospital, KK Nagar, Chennai


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-09-30



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