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Copyright Form



Indian Journal of Medical Sciences and Occupational Health (IJMSOH),

ESIC Medical College and Hospital,

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Email: --------------------@gmail.com, Web: www.          --.com


MANUSCRIPT ID: ...........................................................................................................

TITLE  : .............................................................................................................


TYPE OF MANUSCRIPT: ........................................................................................................... AUTHORS SIGNATURE WITH FULL NAMES AND AFFLIATION 1.................................................................................................

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We hereby declare that all the authors have participated in the conceptualization, designing collection of data and interpretation of data. We declare that this article has not been submitted to any other journal or is not being considered for publication in any journal. We give rights to the corresponding author to make necessary changes as requested by the Editors of the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences and Occupational Health (IJMSOH).

The transfer of copyright to the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences and Occupational Health (IJMSOH) gives it the right to publish, print, and sell this article throughout the world. However, authors have the right to reproduce in part the article content, images and work with due communication to the editor of the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences and Occupational Health (IJMSOH).


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Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-05-24



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