Defaulters List

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S.No. Name of Office Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
61 Regional Office, North East Region, Assam List of defaulters list for Tripura region upto December 2023 size:(136.75 KB) .
05/02/2024 375/2024
62 Regional Office, North East Region, Assam List of defaulters list for Assam and Meghalaya region upto December 2023 size:(1.10 MB) .
05/02/2024 374/2024
63 ESIC Regional Office Indore ESIC Madhya Pradesh Employers Defaulter List size:(1.68 MB) .
05/02/2024 373/2024
64 Regional Office Thrissur Defaulters List RO Thrissur size:(7.66 KB) .
05/02/2024 366/2024
65 ESIC, REGIONAL OFFICE, KARNATAKA List of defaulter Employer of RO-Binnypet as on 31.12.2023 - Part - I size:(8.91 MB) .
List of defaulter Employer of RO-Binnypet as on 31.12.2023 - Part - II size:(8.16 MB) .
02/02/2024 365/2024
66 ESIC SRO COIMBATORE Defaulter List as on 31.01.2024 size:(7.39 MB) .
02/02/2024 364/2024
67 Defaulter list RO Uttarakhand Defaulter list RO Uttarakhand size:(7.96 MB) .
02/02/2024 363/2024
68 Regional Office Delhi Non complying unit for the Month of December 2023 size:(1.29 MB) .
02/02/2024 362/2024
69 ESIC RO Goa Defaulter List September, 2023 size:(991.81 KB) .
29/01/2024 357/2024
70 Sub Regional Office, Visakhapatnam List of defaulter employers in respect of Sub Regional Office,Visakhapatnam Jurisdication as on 01.01.2024 size:(2.31 MB) .
18/01/2024 354/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-09-18



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  • 1. CPGRAM में लॉग इन करें
  • 2. "Grievance Detail"के तहत "Others/Not Listed/Not Known" का चयन करें
  • 3. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें
  • 4. "Subordinate Department/Office" में क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय का चयन करें
  • 5. शिकायत का विवरण दें .


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  • 1. Login into CPGRAM
  • 2. In section "Grievance Detail" select "Others/Not Listed/Not Known"
  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
  • 4. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office
  • 5. Provide details of the complaint
